Call for candidates – postdoc – assistant professor

31 05 2022
Category: assistant professor, job offer, postdoc
The Dean of Faculty of “Artes Liberales” at the University of Warsaw invites applications for postdoctoral researcher position under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme.
Ref no – UW/IDUB/2022/36
Position – postdoc – assistant professor
Job type – research
Scientific discipline – biological sciences
Key words: cohort studies, natural selection, gene-environment interaction, social context, cultural context
Type of employment – fixed term employment contract
Working pattern/ Hours – full time
Number of job offers – 1
Salary – up to PLN 10 000 (gross) per month
Position starts on – November 1st, 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter
The minimum period of employment – 12 months; an extension for the next 12 months is possible following a positive evaluation of the first work period
Department – Faculty of “Artes Liberales”
Action title – I.3.2. Systemic Risk Research Project
Project and Action description
The “Excellence Initiative – Research University” is a program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which enables the University of Warsaw to raise the level of its research activities, the quality of education and accordingly, the international recognition of the University.
The recruited candidate will perform the duties in Action I.3.2. Systemic Risk Research Project
The aim of the Systemic Risk Research Project is to conduct research on threats to systems of critical importance to the functioning of humans and societies, in particular to search for methods and ways to minimize these threats. The method of operation is to create a permanent platform for cooperation
between leading researchers in the social, humanities, biological and science sciences.
The essence of the project activity will be to combine a deep perspective and broad reflection represented by representatives of social sciences and humanities with a wide scope of empirical data (including precise mathematical models and computer simulations), which are the domain of researchers in the field of science. In order to understand the crisis of civilization and find ways out of it, it is necessary to combine the precision of models created by the exact sciences with a deep understanding of man, societies and culture appropriate to social and human sciences. The strict approach to the study of complex systems developed by sciences offers tools to understand the multifaceted dynamics of the crisis and to integrate the perspectives of other branches of science.
Many threats are global in nature and it is necessary to combine the results of own research relating to local conditions with similar research conducted in other projects around the world, both in developed and developing countries. Therefore, our project will by definition be part of an international (emerging) research network.
Job description and responsibilities
1. Developing a program of research aimed at delineation of environmental and genetic factors affecting the prevalence and comorbidity of disease of civilization such as cardiovascular, metabolic and endocrine, neurodegenerative, neoplastic and pulmonary diseases.
2. Cooperation with interdisciplinary teams of the Centre for Systemic Risk Analysis at the University of Warsaw and the Białystok+, the on-going longitudinal cohort study conducted at the Medical University of Białystok:
3. Coordination of the research process within the research tasks entrusted by the Manager of Action I.3.2.
4. Active participation in the creation of an international research network related to Action I.3.2.
5. Direct participation in the preparation, development, submission and implementation of grant applications related to Action I.3.2.
6. Strengthening cooperation and scientific exchange in the Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme in the framework of interdisciplinary research related to epidemiology.
7. Preparation of individual and collective publications related to Action I.3.2.
8. Active participation in the popularization of research results related to Action I.3.2.
Key requirements
- fulfillment of the conditions set out in the article 113 of Act of 20 July 2018. – Law on Higher Education and Science (Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce – Dz. U. z 2022 r. poz. 574) and the UW Statute (Resolution No. 443 of the UW Senate of 26 June 2019, Monitor item 190);
- PhD University degree in natural or social sciences;
- expertise confirmed by publications in the areas of medical, social or behavioral epidemiology, with a strong interest in evolutionary medicine;
- prior experience in complex longitudinal studies and in the analysis of cohort data is preferred;
- general knowledge in human/animal physiology and genetics, public health, and principles of Darwinian medicine;
- experience in performing complex data manipulation and analysis in a statistical package with a flexible programming language such as Stata, SAS or R
- proven skill of collaboration in multidisciplinary research teams;
- strong analytical and critical thinking skills and the ability to manage a broad range of tasks and responsibilities;
- strong written, verbal communication and presentation skills in English;
- knowledge of Polish is an asset, but not required.
- a scan of PhD diploma;
- CV detailing the candidate’s education, teaching experience, and list of publications (in English);
- signed and completed questionnaire for the job applicant found in the link:…
- up to three selected papers;
- a letter of motivation presenting the candidate’s profile in accordance with the requirements contained in the advertisement and the motivation to apply for the job offered (in English);
- three letters of reference solicited by the applicant;
- a declaration signed or a scan of a self-signed declaration in which the candidate confirms that he has read and accepted the rules for conducting competitions set out in the ordinance No. 106 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of September 27, 2019 on specifying the detailed rules and procedure for conducting a competition for the position of an academic teacher;
- a declaration that the candidate have read and accept the rules for this competition;
- a declaration signed or a scan of a signed declaration of consent to the processing of personal data, attached to this announcement.
What we offer
- an innovative research environment and with real independence;
- opportunity to advance multidisciplinary research on epidemiology domestically and in the international network of collaborations;
- effective assistance in applying for domestic and international research grants;
- a friendly and family-friendly work environment conducive to your career development.
How to apply
Please send an e-mail to with the subject line “UW/IDUB/2022/36”
Selection and recruitment procedure
Selected candidates will be invited to a remote interview with the Recruitment Committee. The candidates will be notified individually by e-mail about the date of the interview.
The Recruitment Committee reserves the right to conduct a preliminary evaluation of applications before the stage of full evaluation of candidates.
Before commencing employment, the candidate selected in the competition is required to submit documents in the form required by the University of Warsaw.
The competition is the first stage of the recruitment procedure for the position of an academic teacher specified in the University of Warsaw Statute, and its positive outcome is the basis for further proceedings. After the initial analysis of the submitted applications, we will contact the selected candidates in order to carry out further stages of the recruitment procedure.
The University of Warsaw reserves the right to cancel the competition without giving any reason.
If you have any further questions, please contact Sebastian Szymański, email:
Closing date for applications – August 31, 2022
Notification about the results – September 16, 2022
Results will be announced – by e-mail
The University of Warsaw reserves the right to contact only selected candidates and to cancel the application for any reason. Equal opportunities The constitutional principle of equal treatment of all members of the University community is the foundation of its activity.
The University supports diversity and prevents discrimination. The University implements the highest ethical standards, upholds scientific integrity and follows the principles of the European Charter for Researchers.