Seminar Announcement: Climate changes and human migrations

14 11 2022
Category: climate changes, migrations, seminar
We are delighted to invite you to the organized by Prof. Michał Buchowski an online seminar ‘Climate changes and human migrations’ “, which will take place on December 1, 2022 at 18.00. Eminent experts will take part in the discussion: Etienne Piquet (Institute of Geography, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) and Kirsten Hastrup (Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
Climate change is a concern of the whole world and it has become one of the main problems of the modern world. An important aspect of global warming is its environmental consequences forcing entire populations to migrate. These phenomena induced research interest and the need for policymakers to deal with them. Knowledge about them, even if meticulously collected, is still fragmented; policies, though sometimes coordinated, are chaotic, often postponed or simply ignored. Desertification, rising sea levels, cyclical floods and cyclones, and other climatic disasters affect areas inhabited for generations that are now forcefully abandoned. The concept of “environmental migrants” or “climate migrants” has entered the common scientific, political and public vocabulary, symbolizing the fact that climate and migration, natural and social phenomena are tightly intertwined. Detailed topics related to international policy and cooperation in relation to climate migrants, the impact of migration on growing social tensions, and the protection of migrants require deeper reflection. The related environmental and social changes call for integrated research, the results of which can be used in policymaking, which will allow the outlining of action plans that will open the possibility to master the natural element and spontaneous social processes.
The seminar is the second from a series of events “UAM-UW-UJ_Promujemy badania transdziedzinowe” jointly organized by Adam Mickiewicz University, University of Warsaw and Jagiellonian University to foster multidisciplinary research and education.
This seminar series is titled “Resilience in conditions of permanent crisis.” It was initiated in the summer of 2021 when a group of scholars representing various disciplines from three Polish Universities started informal discussions driven by the need to understand the origins of the crises and how to cope with them.
We observe an escalation of tensions around the world. Threats develop into permanent crises. It is becoming evident that the effectiveness of the existing systems of order has been undermined. These circumstances require a reworking of customary remedies. This seminar series relies on a critical examination of our disciplinary understanding of knowledge and science. It aims at constructing new strategies and methods to cope with the challenges.
Link to the registration: