
dr Sebastian Szymański (Action Manager)
Assistant Professor of the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw.
Sebastian Szymański is a philosopher specializing in ethics and practical ethics. His research interests are focused on the issue of justice and ethical problems regarding new technologies in particular robotics and AI as well as ethics of risk. He teaches AI ethics, roboetics, and ethics of new technologies. His field of competence includes also philosophy of science, especially philosophy of biology.

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Nowak
Andrzej Nowak is a professor of psychology working at Department of Psychology at University of Warsaw, where at Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies he directs Center for Complex Systems. He is also a professor at Florida Atlantic University.
Prof. Nowak is an author or editor of 16 books and over 250 papers and chapters. His research is interdisciplinary connecting social sciences, physics and computer science. He specializes in computer simulations of social processes, social influence, social change, group processes, conflict, Self-structure, interpersonal synchronization, and social processes on Internet, but also artificial intelligence, mainly artificial neural networks. He is one of the co-creators of the approach of Dynamical Social Psychology and authors of Dynamical Theory of Social Impact, and the theory of “Bubbles of Social Change”.

prof. dr hab. Marek Trippenbach
Marek Trippenbach is a professor at the Faculty of Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Warsaw.
Modeling of Complex Systems, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, Chaos and Complexity.
Marek Trippenbach is a profesor in the Physics Department at the University of Warsaw. He graduated from the same Department and got his Ph.D at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He was a postdoc at Joint Institute Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder Colorado and Uniwersity of Rochester. 1995-2000 worked in Israel, at the the Ben Gurion University. In 2005 received Fulbright Scolarship and worked in National Institute of Standard and Technology in Gaithersburg, where he collaborated with William Daniel Phillips, a Nobel Prize Laureate. In 2008-20016 he was appointed vice Dean of Research and International Cooperation at the Physics Department of University of Warsaw. In 2006 received prestigious Wojciech Rubinowicz Prize for his achievements in cold atom physics. Published over 150 scientific papers and he is an expert in the fields of quantum and nonlinear optics and cold atom physics. Recently he was a cofounder of the Center of Systemic Risk at the University of Warsaw, where he participate in the interdisciplinary studies on the border of natural sciences, social studies and even humanities.

prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski
Szymon Malinowski is professor and Director of the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Warsaw. In the emerging Centre for Systemic Risk Analysis within the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw he plans to address the topic of climate change threats.
Prof. Malinowski deals with cloud physics, measurements of turbulence in the atmosphere.

prof. dr hab. Marek Kuś
Professor, Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
mathematical physics, quantum information theory, fundamentals of quantum theory, application of methods of mathematics and physics in social sciences

prof. dr hab. Stanisław Janeczko
Stanisław Janeczko is a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology, where he heads the Department of Analysis and Theory of Singularity. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Prof. Janeczko is also the Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Prof. Janeczko deals with symplectic geometry and topology, mathematical methods in the natural and social sciences, and the theory of singularities.

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Wróbel
Professor at Department of Epistemology, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw and Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Polish Academy of Sciences
Dynamics within neuronal systems of behaving animals and humans. Adapting electrophysiological recording techniques and neuroinformatic methods for data analysis in order to understand correlation between activities of known neuronal networks and their behavioral context.

dr hab. Fabian Welc, prof. UKSW
Professor and Director of the Archaeology Institute at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and professor at the Faculty of Geology – University of Warsaw.
Fabian Welc is a trained archaeologist and geologist specializing in broad geoarchaeological research, with particular emphasis on issues of climate change impact on ancient cultures and civilizations.

prof. dr hab. Marek Konarzewski
Professor at the Faculty of Biology, University of Białystok and Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Warsaw; President-in-Office of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
physiological ecology and the emerging field of evolutionary physiology from molecules to ecosystems

prof. dr hab. Adam Izdebski
Adam Izdebski is interdisciplinary historian and ecologist. He leads independent research groups at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology in Jena, Germany, and the Centre for Systemic Risk Analysis at the University of Warsaw, Poland. He is also a full professor of environmental history at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
His research interests cover climate change, pandemics, biodiversity, interaction of economic development and ecological dynamics in Eurasia in the Late Holocene. He has been involved in several science for policy initiatives and advised the European Commission as well as the European Parliament.

dr Joanna Dreszer
Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology of the Institute of Psychology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Dynamics of temporal information processing, complex systems theory in psychophysiology, neuroscience of individual differences, diagnosis of cognitive functioning in the natural environment

dr Jacek Rogala
Neurobiologist at The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and contracted Project Leader at Nencki Institute in Warsaw.
Jacek Rogala is a neurobiologist specializing in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. His research interests are focused on the associations between activity of the brain structures and human behavior. In particular he is interested in practical applications of EEG and fMRI neurofeedback.

dr hab. Marcin Napiórkowski
Assistant professor, Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw.
Marcin Napiórkowski uses semiotic approach to analyze cultural practices of reducing complexity. His research focuses on contemporary myths as narrative practices of dealing with the complex reality. He works with scientists, legislators, and brands to help them to communicate effectively with various audiences, especially in crisis situations.

dr Grzegorz Łach
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Warsaw.
Grzegorz Łach is a theoretical physicist specializing in quantum field theory, especially in quantum electrodynamics of atomic and molecular systems. His research interests are focused on numerical methods and computational techniques for quantum physics and statistical physics of complex systems.

dr Piotr Bentkowski
Research Fellow in the Center for Systemic Risk Research employed by the Initiative for Excellence - Research University (IDUB) program, where he works on population susceptibility to infectious diseases.
Piotr Bentkowski is a computational biologist specializing in agent-based models. His main interests revolve around evolutionary biology and environmental threats. His work has involved ecotoxicology, bacterial genome architecture's evolution, non-coding RNAs' evolution, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, and modelling of epidemics (seasonal influenza, COVID-19). He has studied and worked at universities in Poland, the UK and France.

dr Michał Baranowski
Lecturer, taught at the Anthropos Doctoral School of IPAN. Researcher in the grant "Crisis of the Empire in the Third Century: Causes and Reflections in Ancient Sources" at the University of Warsaw in 2018-2021, grant number NCN 2017/25/B/HS3/01299. Since 2022 a permanent associate of the Centre for Systemic Risk Analysis at the Faculty "Artes Liberales" of the University of Warsaw.
Michał Baranowski is an ancient historian specializing in the history of ancient Rome. His research interests focus on the crisis of the Third Century, plagues in the ancient world, Late Antiquity.

Dr David Pickel
Research Fellow in the Center for Systemic Risk Research. David is Excavation Director for the Villa Romana di Poggio Gramignano Archaeological Project, a multidisciplinary research project focusing on the Augustan-period Roman villa at Poggio Gramignano and its associated late antique infant and child cemetery, both located along the Tiber River near the Umbrian town of Lugnano in Teverina, Italy.
David Pickel is a Mediterranean archaeologist who specializes in human and environmental health in the ancient world. He is especially interested in how the afterlives of human built landscapes impact disease risk over the very long term. David received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2021. His doctoral research examined the epidemiology of malaria in Roman Italy, combining spatial epidemiological theories and methods with close analysis of paleo-environmental data, ancient texts, and archaeological remains to learn how the environment, Roman practices, and artifacts affected malaria risk in the past.

Wiesław Bartkowski
Computer scientist at the Center for Complex System and New Technologies at the Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw.
Topics between computer science, psychology, human-computer interaction, design and art. In particular, the application of complex systems theory to the field of human-computer interaction and human-digital technology relations more broadly. He explores interactions with embodied systems and interfaces. In the field of art, the creator of the idea and manifesto "Matter of Code" exploring emergent properties resulting from the combination of physical and digital matter.

Bartosz Nowacki
Specialist at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" of Warsaw University, responsible for administrative affairs of the Centre for Systemic Risk Analysis.
Bartosz Nowacki is an archaeologist and Ph.D. student at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He participates in excavations at Late Roman sites on the eastern Adriatic coast (Croatia). His research interests focus on the analysis of Late Roman Coarse Wares and what it can say about contacts and trade in the Adriatic basin in Late Antiquity.